Height management strategies of sudangrass €˜BRS estribo€™





bromatological composition, forage production, harvest cycles, leaf:stem ratio


The productive, morphological and chemical composition of Sudangrass €˜BRS Estribo€™ submitted to different heights of management was evaluated. The design was in randomized blocks with four replicates in a 3x2 factorial scheme, with three pre-defoliation heights (40, 55 and 70 cm) and two post-defoliation heights (20 and 10 cm). There was no significance between post-defoliation heights for accumulated forage production (AFP), percentages of leaf blades (%F) and of stem and sheath (%S). The AFP at 70 cm pre-defoliation height
(10,071.1 kg ha-1) was higher than at 40 cm height (7,471.3 kg ha-1) and did not differ from defoliation at 55 cm (8,562.3 kg ha-1). Predefoliation at 40 cm showed a higher %F (67.67%) than at the heights of 55 cm (61.74%) and 70 cm (55.15%), which differed from each other. The %S was higher for pre-defoliation at 70 cm (35.57%) than at the heights of 55 (32.08%) and 40 cm (27.75%), which also differed from each other. The different handling heights did not change the contents of dry matter, insoluble fiber in neutral detergent,
insoluble fiber in acid detergent and ash, which presented averages of 15.87; 60.34; 28.53; and 10.48%, respectively. However, there was a significant interaction between pre-and post-defoliation heights for
crude protein (CP) contents, which the management heights at 40 x 20 cm and 70 x 10 cm presented, respectively, the highest (18.78%) and lowest (12.22%) CP contents of the study. Pre-defoliation heights of
55 cm with 10 or 20 cm of residual height should be used to improve the botanical composition and crude protein content of Sudangrass BRS Estribo forage.


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Como Citar

Height management strategies of sudangrass €˜BRS estribo€™. (2022). Boletim De Indústria Animal, 79, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.17523/bia.2022.v79.e1506

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