Use of natural antioxidants in sous vide tilapia fillet




lipid oxidation, fish processing, TBARS


The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of natural antioxidants in tilapia fillets submitted to sous vide process. Four treatments were carried out using different natural antioxidants (Treatment 1 €“ control, without antioxidant; Treatment 2 €“ oregano extract; Treatment 3 - rosemary extract and Treatment 4 - basil extract) with six replicates. Analyzes of centesimal composition, microbiological composition and lipid oxidation through Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were performed. There was a significant difference in moisture content, being higher for treatments with extracts, whereas the control treatment presented higher protein content. The fillets were within microbiological standards recommended by legislation. The values obtained from Malondialdehyde (MDA)/kg demonstrate the efficiency of natural antioxidants added. The use of plant extracts as natural antioxidants in sous vide has been shown to be an alternative to minimize oxidative rancidity of tilapia fillets, increasing shelf life. Thus, it is possible to use rosemary, oregano and basil extracts in the tilapia sous vide process.


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Como Citar

Use of natural antioxidants in sous vide tilapia fillet. (2020). Boletim De Indústria Animal, 77, 1-12.

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