Study of the localization of slaughterhouses and distribution center of broilers agroindustries in Distrito Federal
Poultry production, optmization, localizationAbstract
The work investigated the localization of an avian industry and optimized its net, from the corporatives to the consumers, determining the amount of slaughterhouses and distribution centers that the concern should possess and their localization in order to minimize costs. From the collection of real data and by utilizing tools of Geographic Information Systems and binary linear programming, the optimum setting for the net as well the setting of several alternative scenarios were determined. The objective function utilized minimizes the sum of the costs of the slaughterhouse localization, the costs of the localization of the distribution center, the production costs and shipment of the living chickens from the corporatives to the slaughterhouse, the costs of slaughter and shipment as far as the distribution center and the storage costs in the distribution center and shipment to the end clients. The optimum scenario obtained takes into account only the establishment of a slaughterhouse and a distribution center of increased capacity, standing out scale gains. The results support the localization of slaughterhouses close to the coporatives and distribution centers close to the clients submitted to the several restrictions imposed by the local reality.
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