Survey on the chief difficulties found by government accredited certifiers for implementation of catlle traceability
food safety, SISBOV, traceability, beef cattle productionAbstract
The main purpose of this research was to survey the chief fifficulties found by MAPA in the implementation of traceability, also aiming to elaborate indicators, suggest proposals to solve such difficulties and contribute for the formulation of national policies. A semi-structured qualitative questionnaire, containing multiple choice questions, both open and mixed, was used. That questionnaire was sent to the certifying firms accredited by MAPA. The data obtained were tabulated by utilizing the EpiData® 3.1 software, with automatic control of range and consistency of data and afterward, analyzed by means of means of descriptive statistics, making use of the statistical software SPSS for Windows® - version 17.0. The frequent changes in the norms of new SISBOV, the disinterest and the lack of awareness of the cattle raisers for traceability were the main difficulties faced by the certifiers. Transformations on the part of MAPA summed to the mobilization of the raisers through the spread and explanations are needed to solve such difficulties. The need for adequacies inherent to incoherence and outdating of the data bank of the certifiers accredited in MAPA is stressed further.
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