Effect of the monthly variation, property and physiologic state on gastrintestinal nematode infection in Santa Inês sheep
Famacha, Haemonchus contortus, SheepAbstract
It was checked the effects of the monthly variation, property and physiologic state on the Famacha©, rounded volume, egg counting for gram of feces, physical condition and lively weight in Santa Inês ewes from north of Rio de Janeiro State. The work was carried out in three farms, from January to December 2006, with 60 sheep. Every 14 days, the animals were weighed, evaluated for their physical condition, Famacha© and samples of feces were collected for counting of eggs per gram of feces (EPG) and coproculture, and samples of blood to evaluate the packed cell volume. Haemonchus was the predominant type, followed by Trichostrongylus, Cooperia and Oesophagostomum pointed out to themselves differences (P <0,01) for Famacha©, packed cell volume, EPG, physical condition and lively weight due to the effects of the monthly variation, farm and physiologic state. We concluded that the climatic variations, with interference in the larval development and in the quality and quantity of fodder and physiologic state of the ewe cause monthly variations in the infection for gastrointestinal nematodes.
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