Management of mulberry (Morus albaL.) under sheep browsing
feeding, cut frequency, forage, protein bank, pruningAbstract
The trial evaluated the herbage mass of two mulberry cultivars (IZ 13/6 and IZ 56/ 4) under browse by sheep, with plants submited to low pruning (cut at soil level) or free growth without cutting, in three periods of vegetative growth (25, 50 and 75 days). The aim of the study was to know the best mulberry management for better forage recovering. The experimental design was random blocks on a split split plot design, comparing on the principal treatments the vegetative growth forms, in the split plot the vegetative development periods and in the split split plot the mulberry cultivars. There were no differences (P>0.05) on herbage mass availability between mulberry cultivars. The free growth showed greater (P<0.05) leaves mass availability on the three growth age evaluated. There was an increase on herbage mass availability due the increase on growth age. The free growth allowed earlier recuperation of herbage mass on 50 days and when low pruned was adopted, 75 days of growth is advised. Although smaller growth age had greater crude protein content.
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