Utilization of jellied corn flour and micronized soybean in diets of piglets from 21 to 56 days old
villous height, performance, nutrition, organs weight, crypt depthAbstract
The present study was conducted in order to evaluate the use of jellied corn flour and micronized soybean, in substitution of corn and soybean meal, , respectively, in diets for weaning piglets from 21 to 56 days of age. The performance, relative weight of the digestive organs and duodenum and jejunum villous height and crypt depth were evaluated. A total of 112 21 days old weaning piglets were utilized, being 56 castrated males and 56 females, with average initial weight of 8,0 kg. The experimental design was a randomized block design, with factorial arrangement of treatments (two types of corn and types of soybean), seven replicates and four piglets per experimental unit. The two soy types affected (P < 0,05) the relative weight of liver and large intestine at 33 days of age. The largest weight of liver and large intestine was observed when soybean meal was used and the smallest when the micronized soybean was utilized. The relative weight of the stomach was affected (P < 0,05) by the two corn and soy types. It was observed highest villous height when used micronized soybean and lowest crypt depth was observed when used common corn + micronized soybean. The same way, the use of pre-jellied corn flour and micronized soybean in the diets did not affect the performance.The combinations of common corn and pre-jellied corn flour with micronized soybean resulted in reduced relative weight of the digestive organs and in the maintenance of the integrity of the intestinal villi of piglets weaned at 21 days of age.
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