Effects of protein and fat diet level on the abdominal fat in chicken stressed by high temperature
heat stress, broilers chicken, fat, abdominal fat, proteinAbstract
This research aimed to verify the effect of two nutritional profiles with more fat (2.4 x 4.0%) and less crude protein (19.5 x 18.5%) in the abdominal fat of broilers with 21 to 42 days submitted to cyclic heat stress (25-32°C). The direct effect of heat in the abdominal fat of the birds in a pair feeding consumption treatment was also verified. The factorial 2x2+2 was used, being the factors two environments €“ thermoneutral (21-25°C and UR 73%) and cyclic heat stress (25- 32°C and UR 65%), and two diet profiles - control (2.4% fat and 19.5% protein) and summer (4.0% fat and 18.5% protein) with supplement of Lys and Met + Cys to the level of the control diet. Two treatments were applied in the thermoneutral environment: broilers received paired feeding diet with the birds stressed by heat, for both kinds of ratio. The animals were slaughtered in the 42nd day of treatment. After weighted and slaughtered, their abdominal fat was removed and weighted. The yield was calculated as fat weight by carcass weight. The diet with 1.6 % more fat and 1% less protein did not interfere with the abdominal fat yield. In the equalized consumption treatment, the environmental temperature did not influence the abdominal fat yield.
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