Vitaminic and organic minerals suplementation on biochemical and hematological parameters in heat stressed broilers
ascorbic acid, dl-alpha-tocopherol, heat stress, selenium, zincAbstract
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of diets supplemented with vitamins C and E and organic minerals Zn and Se on hematological and serum biochemical parameters in broilers under cyclic heat stress (HS) (25 to 35oC or termoneutral environment (TN) (21 to 25 oC), both with 70% humidity. A 4x2 factorial design was used with four levels of vitaminmineral supplementation (T1-control diet: 60/30 UI vitamin E in starter and grower diets, respectively; no vitamin C, 80 ppm of inorganic Zn e 0.3 ppm of inorganic Se); T2- control diet + 100 UI vit E and 300 ppm vit C/kg; T3- control diet + 40 ppm of organic Zn and 0.3 ppm of organic Se/kg and T4- control diet + supplementation levels of T2 and T3) and two environments: cyclic heat stress and termoneutral, from the 14o day of age. The experimental period was from 1 to 35 days of age. By the slaughtering, at 35 days of age, 10mL of blood from six birds per treatment were collected from jugular and sent to analysis of total proteins, glucose, fructosamine, albumin, glubulin, hematocrit, hemoglobin, total and differential leukocyte counting and heterophils/ linphocytes (H/L). The lymphoid organs bursa and spleen were weighted and the weight of lymphoid organs/ body weight ratio was established. The cyclic heat stress caused a reduction in the absolute and relative weight of bursa and spleen), reduction in the hemoglobin concentration and an increase in heterophils counting and H/L ratio. In the other hand, types of vitamin and/ or mineral supplementation did not affect hematological and serum biochemical parameters of broilers under cyclic heat stress.
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