Effects of smoke and lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus) on defensive behavior of africanized beesand its europian hybrids (Apis mellifera L.)
Apis mellifera, Hybrid, Defensive, Smoke, Cymbopogon citratusAbstract
Apis mellifera bees present several social interactions as the colony defense behavior. This behavior may be influenced by several factors, such as the use of smoke. Thus, the objective of the present work was to investigate the influence of smoke and Lemon Grass (Cymbopogon citratus) in the defensive behavior of africanized bees as well of Italian hybrid with Africanized and Carniolan with Africanized. Fifteen beehives were used: five Africanized bees, five bees daughters of Italian queens and five of queen€™s Carniolan. All the queens were fecundated in the nature. Beehives were treated as follows: absence of smoke, smoke and smoke plus dry leaves of Lemon Grass. The defensive behavior was evaluated as the time of occurrence of the first sting and sting´s number left in the black ball after one minute. Smoke and smoke plus dry leaves Lemon Grass were efficient to control bees defensive behavior, since reduced the stings number in the black ball and significantly increased the time of occurrence of the first sting in relation smoke absence. One may conclude that smoke control the bees defensive behavior and that it is not necessary the use of Lemon Grass leaves.
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