Occurrence of bruises and injuries in bovine carcasses and its relationship with road transport
anmal welfare, economic impact, meat quality, pre-slaugther managementAbstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of hematomas and economic losses due to injuries in bovine carcasses from animals submitted to road transport. A total of 1599 carcasses were evaluated for the number of hematomas and 1440 for injuries. The study was conducted in the city of Aquidauana/MS, in a local abattoir. The number, location, color and size of the hematomas were visually assessed. In addition, data were collected regarding the type of trucks, traveled distance to the abattoir, sexual class and age of the animals. To quantify the lesions, the lesions removed during the final toilet of the carcasses were collected and weighed. 97.81% of carcasses showed one or more hematoma. In addition, the sacral region had the highest average percentage of hematomas (31.77%). The most present hematoma color in the carcasses evaluated was number 2 (purple), with 67.75%. A higher incidence of size 2 hematomas (26 to 36 cm2) was found, with 29.51%. Regarding the type of truck, the animals transported by type Julieta vehicle showed a greater number of hematomas. Concomitantly with the increase in mileage, the amount of bruising also rose but the diameter of the bruises did not. 61.32% of the 1440 carcases presented lesions, totaling 324.36 kg of damaged tissue removed in the final toilet of the slaughter line, which represented an economic loss of R $ 3,091.41. The high incidence of hematomas and lesions in bovine carcasses occurs predominantly during transport, in the pre-slaughter management, causing detriment of carcass quality and economic losses.
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