Effect of storage time and temperature on the quality of japanese quail eggs
Japanese quail, storage time, egg weight, egg quality, storage temperatureAbstract
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of storage time and temperature on the quality of quail eggs. The experimental design was completely randomized in split plots, with two storage temperatures in the plots and six storage periods in the subplots. The variables analyzed were: egg weight; albumen and yolk weight, height and pH; Haugh units (HU); and yolk index and diameter. ¨The interaction between storage time and temperature was not significant (P>0.05) for egg weight, yolk weight and pH, but was significant (P<0.05) for albumen height, weight and pH, HU, and yolk diameter, height and index. The storage period had a quadratic effect in the two storage conditions for HU, albumen pH, yolk height and index, while for eggs stored at room temperature there was a quadratic effect on egg and albumen weight, albumen height, yolk weight, diameter and pH. In turn, for eggs kept under refrigeration, the effect of the storage period was linear for egg weight, albumen weight and height, yolk weight and pH. There was no effect in the regression analysis of the storage period for the yolk diameter of the eggs stored under refrigeration. The storage conditions influenced the egg weight and quality characteristics of the albumen and yolk, but had no effect on the yolk weight. Non-refrigerated eggs presented lower averages for all the characteristics except albumen pH, and yolk pH and diameter. During the entire storage period, the quality of the eggs without refrigeration remained lower than that of refrigerated eggs. Thus, to preserve quality, quail eggs should be stored under refrigeration.
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