Responses of Centrosema pubescens Benth. to different mineral fertilization, in four soils of the State of São Paulo, Brazil
The objective of this work was to study the responses of Centrosema pubescens fertilized with phosphorus. calcium and Sulphut (correpondent to 500kg/ha of single superphosphate) and the fertilization with these three elements added lo limestone. potassium, molybdenum and zinc. The legume was planted in lour representative soils of the State of São Paulo: Red-Yellow Latasol Terrace Phase, Pinda series (Pindamonhangaba); Red-Yellow Podzolic Soil Laras variation (Nova Odessa); Ortho Dark Red Latosol (Itapetininga) and Quartzous Sand (Brotas). The treatments consisted on the combination of soils with different mineral fertilizations: 1. control (whithout fertilization 2. phosphorus, calcium and Sulphur; 3. treatment 2 plus limestone, potassium, zinc and molybdenum. A split-plot design replicated four times was used in which soils formed the main plots and the fertilizations the subplots. The results showed that for the Brotas soil treatment 3 was better than the other treatments, for plant height and dry matter production. For the soil of Pindamonhangaba and Nova Odessa treatments 2 and 3 were not statistically different for most of dependent variables studied, differing, mean while, from treatment 1.Downloads
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