Seasonal growth of twenty five grasses varieties


  • José Vicente Silveira Pedreira Instituto de Zootecnia, Divisão de Nutrição Animal e Pastagens, Setor de Ecologia das Pastagens, Nova Odessa, SP
  • Herbert Barbosa de Mattos Instituto de Zootecnia, Divisão de Nutrição Animal e Pastagens, Seção de Nutrição de Plantas Forrageiras, Nova Odessa, SP


Seasonal growth of 25 tropical grasses was determined at the Instituto de Zootecnia, Nova Odessa, SP. It was a cutting trial and the results showed that: a) The highest annual 650C dry matter yields ha-1 were produced by coastcross 1 (Cynodon dacry!on), african star grass (Cynodon dactylon), signa) grass (Brachiaria decumbens) and gamba (Andropogon gayanus var. aquamuiatus). The lowest yields were from Buffel biloela (Cenchrus diiaris), grama-paulista (Cynodon dactylon) and pangola (Digitaria decumbens). b) During the €œsummer€ hot and rainy season the highest yields were given by signa) grass, African star grass, coastcross 1, green panic (Panicummaximum var. trichoglume) and umfolozi (Digitaria sp.). The lowest yields were produced by Buffel biloela, grama-paulista, pangola and nandi (Setaria anceps). c) During the winter (coo) and dry season) the highest yields were produced by coastcross 1, gamba and african star grass. The lowest yields were produced by Buffel biloela, Digitaria valida, pangola, batatais (Paspalum notatum), Digitaria milanjiana e Digitaria sp. d) At the beginning of the growing season green panic, signal grass, gamba and coastcross 1 were the more precocious. Batatais, grama-paulista and buffel biloela were the lattest. e) During the months of more intensive growth - november, december, january and february (€œsummer€) higher crop growth rates 1kg dry matter ha- dav1) were produced by signal grass (79,8), coastcross 1 (77,3), umfolozi (74,8), african star grass (74,6), Digiteria milanjiana (72,2) and pensacola (70,3); during the months of very low growth-may, june, july and august (€œwinther€) the higher crop growth rates were produced by gamba (16,6), african star grass (13,9), coastcross 1 (13,2), Digitaria diversinervis (10,0), Para grass (8,0) and green panlc (7,6). f) The distribution of the annual dry matter production of the 25 grasses studied was remarkably seasonal, The average crop growth rate, varying from 4% to 24%. g) Considering the results of this trial, the 25 grasses studied growth rate, varying from 4% to 24%. g) Considering the results of this trial, the 25 grasses studied can be classified as: 1) good seasorial distribution of the annual growth: gamba, Digitaria diversinervis, nandi, african star grass, coastcross 1 and Brachiaria decumbens; 2) regular distribution: green panic, signal) grass, Para grass, colonião, gatton panic, slender stem digit grass, grama-paulista, Echinochica pyramidalis, rhodes callide and Brachiaria ruziziensis; 3) Poor distribution umfolozi. Paspalum guenoarum, Digitaria sp., D. milanjiana, D. valida, pangola, pensacola, buffel biloela and grama-batatais.


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How to Cite

Seasonal growth of twenty five grasses varieties. (2014). Bulletin of Animal Husbandry, 38(2), 117-143.

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