Variations of temperature and relative humidity in the rearing silkworm€™s room
The present work was carried out in the Posto Experimental de Limeira, State of São Paulo. The objective was to verify the temperature and relative humidity variations in the room of silkworm rearing during the hours of the day, when the larvae remain more active and when the influence of these climatic factors is higher. The temperature and humidity data were obtained in the silkworm rearing room, from the termometre and higrometre, up in middle of the room at the height of 1.50m, The observation of the temperature and humidity was carried out hour per hour from seven o€™clock A.M. to six o€™clock P.M., all days of the months of October, November, December and January of the sericultural year 1975/76. The analysis of the results showed that: 1) the temperature and humidity variations were great during the studied period; 2) The highest temperature was observed between 01:53P.M. and 2:53P.M.; 3) The lowest humidity was obtained in the same period between 3:51P.M. and 4:54P.M.; 4) The critic period to the silkworm rearing with the maximum of temperature and minimum of relative humidity was verified between 1:53 P.M. and 4:54 P.M.; 5) The inflexion points of the temperature and relative humidity curves demonstrated high and inverse correspondence avoided to observe that the highest temperature corresponded to a little antecipation to the lowest relative humidity percentages.Downloads
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