Pasture, supplemented pasture and housing confinement for dairy heifers
Dairy heifers were managed for 140 days, in three different ways, during the dry season: A = in pastures ofBrachiaria decumbens exclusively; B = in pastures of B. decumbens plus 2 kg per animal per day of a concentrate with 20% of CP; and C = zero pasture, but with com silage €œad libitum€ plus 2 kg per animal per day of concentrate with 20% of CP. Twenty four heifers, one year old, half Holstein and half Mantiqueira breed were randomized in groups of four of each breed per treatment. After rains started, in October they were put all together in the same pasture for 140 days. During the dry season the average gain per animal per treatment were, respectively; 27.8, 83.7 and 81.9 kg. After 280 days the average weight gain per animal in the same order were; 77.5, 118,99 and 106.0 kg. From these results we can conclude: 1. 8. decumbens pastures having a good available dry matter gave low gains (0.2 kg/animal/day) during the dry season. In spite of some compensatory gain found in the wet period, treatment A never reached the levels of B and C; 2. Pastures similar to A supplemented with 2 kg of concentrate with 20% CP produced normal gains in the heifers, enough to give them normal gains in the spring and summer; 3. In spite of breeding be not an important factor, it was found an interaction statistically significant (P < 0.01) betwenn breed x management for girth measures, confirming the hipoteses that Holstein breed has a better performance under confining system and the Mantiqueiras in pastures.Downloads
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