Effects of deworming and feeding in the subclinical infection on dairy cows
The work was carried out from April, 79, to December, 80, in Nova Odes- se, in the Central Region of the State of São Paulo, Brazil.27 dairy cows Holstein and Schwyz breeds and Maritiqueira type were used in a factorial design with 3 treatments and 9 replications. The control treatment not received anthemintic applications, the bimestrial treatment received anthelmintic applications beginning in May, 79, and the quadrimestrial treatment received anthelmintic applications beginning in July, 79. The statistic analysis of milk production was significant for treatments and breeds from May, 79, to August, 79, from parturition to the 5th lactating month, the stastic analysis of milk production was no significant for treatments and breeds. The statistic analysis of e. p. g. counting was significant for treatments. beign the bimestrial treatment the best. The statistic analysls of red blood cells counting, haemoglobin content and packed cell volume were significant for treatments and breeds. The statistic analysis of white blood cells couting total protein content, albu in content and glucose content were no significant for treatments. The correlation coefficient between milk production and glucose content was significant. All analysis were tested at 5% level of probability.Downloads
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