Seasonal growth of the eight tropical forage legume


  • Herbert Barbosa de Mattos Instituto de Zootecnia, Divisão de Nutrição Animal e Pastagens, Seção de Nutrição de Plantas Forrageiras, Nova Odessa, SP
  • José Vicente Silveira Pedreira Instituto de Zootecnia, Divisão de Nutrição Animal e Pastagens, Setor de Ecologia das Pastagens, Nova Odessa, SP


The seasonal growth of eight tropical legumes, Glycirie wightii cv. comum and cianova, Centrosema pubescens, galactia striata, Macrotyloma axilíare, Calopogonium mucunoides, Teramnus uncinatus and Pueraria phaseoloides was determined during two years at the Instituto de Zootecnia, Nova Odessa, State of São Paulo, Brazil. It was a cutting trial and the results were expressed in terms: a) crops growth rate as kg of 65°C dry matter/ha/day; b) seasonal curve of growth; c) €œsummer€ and €œwinter€ dry matter production ;d) bromatological composition variation of legumes estudied. Galactia showed higher rate of growth than other legumes except in December, January and April, and gave better seasonal distribution. Perennial soybean cv. cianova, macrotyloma and cudzu tropical had a good seasonal distribution of growth. Commom perennial soybean, calopogonium and centrosema had satistactory seasona distribution, but teramnus had the poorest seasonal distribution The annual production of dry matter/ha at 65°C as €˜summer€™ and €œwinter€ distribution was respectively : galactia 5,892kg with 31 and 69%; perennial soybean cv. Cianova 5,675kg with 20 and 80%. Perennial soybean cv. common 5,260kg with 16 and 84%; cudzu-tropical 4.974kg with 15 and 85%; teramnus 3.932kg with 16 and 84%; macrotyloma 3.725 with 22 and 78%; Centrosema 2.825kg with 12 and 88% and calopogonio 2,369kg with 13 and 87%. The bromatological analysis showed the higher protein contents for centrosema. 26.1%. and the lower fiber contents for calopogonio, 28,8%.


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How to Cite

Seasonal growth of the eight tropical forage legume. (2014). Bulletin of Animal Husbandry, 41(1), 141-157.

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