The new performance test at Sertãozinho, State of São Paulo, Brazil. I. Enviromental influences on some characteristics of Nelore and Guzerá bulls
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of year of test (1979 -1981), breed and month of birth of bulls (Auqust-October) on the following characteristics at the performance test of the Estação Experimental de Zootecnia de Sertãozinho, State of São Paulo, Brazil: initial weight (PV), corrected initial weight for age at 210 days (P210), gain on pasture in l4 days (GE14); gain during 56 days of adaptation period (GA56), gain during the next 112 days (G1 12), total gain in the confinement period (G168), corrected final age at 392 days (P392) and actual final weight (PPF). The animals were all reared in the Station and weaned in a week before the start of the test. A total of 368 animals were considered being 123 of Guzera and 245 of Nelore breed. Year was a significant source of variation for all the characteristics (P <001) and for P210 (P <0.05). Breed was also an important factor except for GE14 and GA56. Month of birth was a highly significant source of variation (P <001) for PV, GA 56, G168 and PPF, less significant (P <.0.05) for P392 and G112 and not important for P210 and GE14. The animals that were born in August and September showed the highest averages for all the characteristics. The initial weight on test (PV) considered as a continous independent variable (linear and quadratic) was a highly significant source of variation for all the characteristics (linear) except for GE14.Downloads
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