Selection for post-weaning weight in Nelore and Guzerá Zebu breeds. II. Direct and correlated responses


  • Alexander George Razook Instituto de Zootecnia, Estação Experimental de Zootecnia de Sertãozinho, SP
  • Luiz Martins Bonilha Neto Instituto de Zootecnia, Estação Experimental de Zootecnia de Sertãozinho, SP
  • Leopoldo Andrade de Figueiredo Instituto de Zootecnia, Estação Experimental de Zootecnia de Sertãozinho, SP
  • Irineu Humberto Packer Universidade de São Paulo, ESALQ, Departamento de Zootecnia, Piracicaba, SP
  • Laércio José Pacola Instituto de Zootecnia, Estação Experimental de Zootecnia de Sertãozinho, SP
  • José Geraldo Candido Instituto de Zootecnia, Estação Experimental de Zootecnia de Sertãozinho, SP


The direct and correlated responses on growth characters of Nelore (NeS) and Guzera (GuS) zebu breeds were evaluated utilizing an unselected Nelore control population (NeC) being all animals born in the Estação Experimental de Zootecnia de Sertãozinho, São Paulo, Brazil. The analysed traits were: birth weight (PN); age corrected weight (P210); final weight of males (P378); daily gain at feeding test (Gi1 121); age corrected females final weight (P550), deviation of P378 frorn NeC mean (DP378) and ratio of P378 over NeC (P/MC). NeS and GuS showed the highest adjusted means for all traits. This was an evidence of a positive genetic response for primary (P378) and secondary selection traits (PN. P210 and G112) of males. For females the GuS showed the lowest rneans and NaS the highest. The least square means for DP378 and P/MC for NeS and GuS were respectively 18.4 and 12.3 kg and 6.9 and 4.8%. The average deviation from NeC for P550 was 4.6 and €”4.2 kg respectively for NeS and GuS showing a lower response.


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How to Cite

Selection for post-weaning weight in Nelore and Guzerá Zebu breeds. II. Direct and correlated responses. (2014). Bulletin of Animal Husbandry, 45(2), 273-315.

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