Economic evaluation of mixed pastures in four regions of São Paulo State, Brazil


  • Pedro Luís Guárdia Abramides Instituto de Zootecnia, Divisão de Nutrição Animal e Pastagens, Setor de Ecologia das Pastagens, Nova Odessa, SP
  • Nelson Morato Ferraz Meirelles Instituto de Zootecnia, Divisão de Nutrição Animal e Pastagens, Setor de Ecologia das Pastagens, Nova Odessa, SP
  • Vanderley Benedito de Oliveira Leite Instituto de Zootecnia, Posto de Avicultura de Brotas, SP
  • Roberto Molinari Peres Instituto de Zootecnia, Estação Experimental de Zootecnia de Ribeirão Preto, SP
  • Diorande Bianchine Instituto de Zootecnia, Posto de Ovinos e Caprinos de Itapetininga, SP


Experimental data from grazing trials carried out in four different regions of the State of So Paulo, Brazil, were economically evaluated. Values related to the grass-legume association, optimum stocking rate and net return per unit of area were stablished for each region. Economic analyses methodology was based on one equation that takes into account biological and economic variables. The most important grass-legume associations were respectively: a) for the north region: jaragua grass + siratro; green-panic + centro and guinea€”grass cv. IZ.- 1 + cianova perennial soybean; b) for the central Cerrado region: transvala grass, even as a single species; e) for the southeast region: green-panic + calopo and makueni + capitata stylo; d) for the south region: guinea grass + silverleaf desmodium.


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How to Cite

Economic evaluation of mixed pastures in four regions of São Paulo State, Brazil. (2014). Bulletin of Animal Husbandry, 45(1), 185-198.

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