Effects of the fertilization replacement and harvesting frequency on Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers cv. Coat cross cultivated for hay production
cynodon dactylon, coast cross, hay, harvesting frequency, replacement fertilization, water lossAbstract
The experiment was carried out at the UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP, to study the effects of N & K replacement (0 and 2% N +4% KCl), based on the dry matter (DM) removal, and harvesting intervals (42, 56, 70 and 84 days), on the DM production and forage quality of Cynodon dactylon cv. Coast cross. The drying speed at 65°C in stove was also determined. The dressing fertilization replacement increased the productions of: DM, crude protein-CP and the percentages of CP in the whole plant and in the stem; the crude fiber % (CF) in the stem and the percentage of stems. The increase in plant age increased the productions (kg/ha) of DM (2647 lo 7333) and CP (411 lo 608), the percentages of CF of the whole plant (32.89 to 37.01), leaf (29.26 to 32.20) and stem (35.82 lo 39.82); neutral detergent fiber of the whole plant (72.82 to 76.61) and of the leaf (72.54 to 75.93), and the percentage of stems (49.58 to 64.55). The water loss in the drying process was not effected neither by fertilization nor by increasing plant age.Downloads
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