Body weight, length, height and chest perimeter in dairy heifers of mantiqueira type


  • Guilherme Paes Guaragna Instituto de Zootecnia, Nova Odessa, SP
  • Benedicto do Espírito Santo de Campos Instituto de Zootecnia, Nova Odessa, SP
  • Maria Inês de Aquino Barbosa


body weight, length, height, chest perimeter, dairy heifers, mantiqueira type


Females of Mantiqueira type were weighted (P) and had their chest perimeter (PT), height (A) and body lenght (CC), measured during three years, two times year (January and July), resulting in a total of 974 observations. The heifers were daughters of 11 bulls. The variables P, PT, A and CC were analysed by the least squares method using models with the fixed effects of year, season and linear, quadratic and cubic effects of age of the animal and the random effects of sire and heifers within sire. Except for the effects of season for weight, and the linear effects of age, for weight, perimeter, length and height, all fixed effects were significant (P <0.05). Genetic and phenotipic correlations were: 0.970 and 0.782 for P and PT; 0.837 and 0.403 for P and CC; 0.654 and 0.570 for P and A; 0.850 and 0.385 for PT and CC; 0.736 and 0.553 for PT and A and 0.687 and 0.443 for CC and A. Selection for any of the traits, results in gains in the others, due to high and positive genetic correlations. PT was the best measurement to estimate body weight.


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How to Cite

Body weight, length, height and chest perimeter in dairy heifers of mantiqueira type. (2014). Bulletin of Animal Husbandry, 50(2), 101-106.

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