Sheep performance on an eight month mating system interval


  • Domingos Sanchez Roda Instituto de Zootecnia, Divisão de Zootecnia Diversificada, Seção de Ovinos e Caprinos, Nova Odessa, SP
  • Luiz Eduardo dos Santos Instituto de Zootecnia, Divisão de Zootecnia Diversificada, Seção de Ovinos e Caprinos, Nova Odessa, SP
  • Eduardo Antonio da Cunha Instituto de Zootecnia, Divisão de Zootecnia Diversificada, Seção de Ovinos e Caprinos, Nova Odessa, SP
  • Diorande Bianchine Instituto de Zootecnia, Posto de Ovinos e Caprinos de Itapetininga, SP
  • Adelma Santana Leal Feitoza Instituto de Zootecnia, Posto de Ovinos e Caprinos de Itapetininga, SP


sheep, mating periods, Ideal, Corriedale


The mating of ewes every eight months during four years (06 mating periods) was studied. 61 Ideal ewes provided 207 lambs (0.85 lamb/ewe/year), 27 Corriedale ewes produced 94 lambs (0.87 lamb/ewe/year) and 28 Suffolk ewes provided 101 lambs (0.90 lamb/ewe/year). From the 402 total lambs born, 133 of them (33.1%) came from January, 97 (24.1%) from September and 172 (42.8%) from May matings. Lamb death rate, from birth to weaning (70 days), was 12.0% for those born in winter (mating in January), 16.5% for those born in summer (mating in September) and 11.6% for those born in spring (mating in May). The ewe€™s weight at mating and parturition was not influenced by the mating period, whereas mating period influenced (P < 0.05) the ewe's weight at weaning. The lamb€™s weight at birth was influenced (P < 0.05) by the birth period. The weight at weaning was not affected by the birth period.


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How to Cite

Sheep performance on an eight month mating system interval. (2014). Bulletin of Animal Husbandry, 50(1), 49-54.

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