Inicial observations about the sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) pollination by Apis mellifera L.. Pindamonhangaba, São Paulo State
pollination, production increase, sunflower, bees, insectsAbstract
The present work was carried out with the objective of checking if the sunflower {Helianthus annuus L.) production can be increased by bees and other insect actions, in the climatic conditions of Centro de Apicultura Tropical (Instituto de Zootecnia), at Pindamonhangaba County, state of São Paulo. The trial employed a randomized block design with four repplications and three treatments: a- areas freely visited by insects, b- cages with bees (areas visited only by bees) and c- cages without bees (areas don€™t visited by insects). The treatment means weren€™t statisticaly different. Nevertheless, if we consider the means of the plants not visited by insects as 100% of production, we can observe increases of 47.38% and 67.39% in the number and weight of formed achenes, respectivelly and a decrease of 23.77% in the non formed achene number, in the plants freely visited by insects. It is necessary to do other researches containing larger number of treatment repplications with the objective of evidencing the differences between the treatment means, if they really exist.Downloads
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