Fertility limitations in soil from two mountainous sites of São Paulo State for the growth of forage legumes


  • Maria Tereza Colozza Instituto de Zootecnia, Divisão de Nutrição Animal e Pastagens, Seção de Nutrição de Plantas Forrageiras, Nova Odessa, SP
  • Antonio Luiz Fancelli Universidade de São Paulo, ESALQ, Departamento de Agricultura e Horticultura, Piracicaba, SP
  • Joaquim Carlos Werner Instituto de Zootecnia, Divisão de Nutrição Animal e Pastagens, Seção de Nutrição de Plantas Forrageiras, Nova Odessa, SP
  • Francisco Antonio Monteiro Universidade de São Paulo, ESALQ, Departamento de Química, Setor de Nutrição Mineral de Plantas, Piracicaba, SP


green leaf desmodium, silver leaf desmodium, perennial soybean, siratro, red-yellow podzolic soil, liming, P, K, S and Mo deficiences


Greenhouse experiments were conducted at the Instituto de Zootecnia, State of São Paulo to study the main fertility limitations in two Red-Yellow Podzolic soils for the growth of four tropical forage legumes. Perennial soybean (Neonotonia wightii) and Green leaf desmodium (Desmodium intortum) were grown in both soils, whereas siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum) and Silver leaf desmodium (Desmodium uncinatun) were the alternate species for the two soils. Liming, P, K, S, B, Cu, Zn and Mo were each and all (control), omitted in a complete fertilization, and the ten treatments for each species and soil were assigned in a complete randomized block design, with four replications. Phosphorus was the most limiting factor for the establishment and nitrogen fixation of the four tropical legumes in the two soils. Potassium fertilization was necessary for Green leaf desmodium in both soils. In one of the soils liming and K were both limiting for perennial soybean, whereas both S and Mo were Iimiting for siratro and Green leaf desmodium.


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How to Cite

Fertility limitations in soil from two mountainous sites of São Paulo State for the growth of forage legumes. (2014). Bulletin of Animal Husbandry, 48(1), 39-47.

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