Selection of Nelore bulls on in vitro production of embryos
in vitro fertilization, bovine, bull, embryo, cleavage rateAbstract
This study evaluated the bull effect on the cleavage (CR) and blastocyst rate (BLR) by verifying which of these parameters can be used for selection of semen from Nelore bulls by in vitro production (IVP) of embryos. The immature oocytes from slaughterhouse cows ovaries were matured in vitro in TCM 199 medium with 10% estrous cow serum (ECS), 5µg/ml FSH and 5µg/ml LH. After 24 h of culture, the mature oocytes were incubated with frozen€“thawed semen from 4 Nelore bulls (A, B, C and D), which were submitted to the washing procedure and the sperm concentration adjusted to 5 x 106 cells/ml. The oocytes-sperm incubation lasted 18-21 h and the TALP-IVF supplemented with 30µg/ml heparin was the culture medium used. After this, the oocytes were transferred into microdroplets of Ménezo medium with 10% ECS and bovine oviduct epithelial cells in suspension and were further cultured by 9 days. All the cultures were performed at 38.5°C with 5% CO2 in air and the data were analysed by chi-square test. There was no difference (P>0.05) among the bulls regarding to CR (A= 61.2%; B= 61.3%; C= 66.1%; D= 64.1%). In terms off BLR, bull C (4.1%) was significantly different from bulls A (10.6%), B (12.1%) and C (18.8%), which were not different to each other. The results indicated that the selection of bulls for IVP of bovine embryos should be done by using the blastocyst rate as tile goal.Downloads
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