Allelopathic efects of brachiaria griseb on some tropical forage legume. II. valuation in greenhouse
allelopathy, Brachiaria spp, tropical forage legumesAbstract
The trial was conducted in greenhouse, of the Instituto de Zootecnia, in Nova Odessa state of São Paulo, Brazil, from March to May, 1991. The objective was to evaluate the allelopathic effects of aqueous extracts in two levels (A = 8.2ml and B = 16.4ml/pot), obtained from three Brachiaria species: B. decumbens, B. humidicola and B. brizantha cv. Marandu on the following legumes: Centrosema pubescens, Calopogonium mucunoides, Macrotyloma axillare cv. Guatá and Stylosanthes guianensis ssp. guianensis. The allelophatic effects, were evaluated through seed germination and dry matter production of shoots, roots and nodules, as well as the percentages of nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and potassium in the shoot, and of nitrogen in the roots of forage legumes. The results showed that: a) the Brachiaria spp aqueous extracts, especially B. decumbens, presented allelopathic effects, stimulating the dry matter production of the shoots, roots and nodules of C. mucunoides; b) the Brachiaria spp aqueous extracts showed a tendency to decrease the dry matter production of the shoots and roots of C.pubescens, M. axillare cv. Guatá and S. guianensis; c) the highest level of the B. brizantha cv. Marandu aqueous cxtractc, decreased the root dry matter production of the legumes; d) The B. decumbens aqueous extracts, at the highest level increased the root's dry matter production or the legumes; e) the species or Brachiaria studied showed high allelopathic potential, which varied according to the legume specie evaluated.
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