Production of antibodies to Bos taurus indicus follicular fluid in Bos taurus taurus and Ovis aries


  • Rafael Herrera Alvarez Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento do Estado de São Paulo, Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios, Instituto de Zootecnia, Nova Odessa, SP
  • João E. Castelo Branco Iapichini Escola Técnica Agrícola Estadual do Segundo Grau Prof. Edson Galvão, Itapetininga, SP
  • Rosa Maria Piatti Instituto Biológico, São Paulo, SP


follicular fluid, immunization, self antigen, bovine, ovine


The aim of this study was to produce antibodies against steroid-free Bos taurus var. indicus follicular fluid (FF) in Bos taurus var. taurus and Ovis aries. Six steers and six ovariectomized ewes were immunized subcutaneously with 3 ml FF emulsified in 2 ml of Freund€™s adjuvant. Two control animais from each species were injected with the adjuvant associated to bovine serum albumin. Five booster injections were given at 15 days interval replacing the complete by the incomplete Freund€™s adjuvant. Blood samples were taken regularly to test the immunological and biological reaction using the Ouchterlony test and a mice model of inhibition of ovulation, respectively. Serum of steers did not show immunological nor biological reaction. Five out of the 6 immunized ewes showed the development of typical antigen-antibody reaction after the second booster. The anti-bFF was capable of inhibiting the block of ovulation in the mice model. These data showed that antibodies against Bos taurus var. indicus FF can be raised in Ovis ariesbut not in Bos taurus var. taurus.


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How to Cite

Production of antibodies to Bos taurus indicus follicular fluid in Bos taurus taurus and Ovis aries. (2013). Bulletin of Animal Husbandry, 54(1), 33-38.

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