Presentation forms of elephant-grass (Pennisetum purpureum, Schum.)acting on captivity capybaras€™ consumption
Intake, capybaras, Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris, Pennisetum purpureum, hay, silageAbstract
The present work aimed to compare the consumption of fresh elephant grass by the capybaras, in the forms: whole grass, chopped grass, leaves and separate stems, as well as silage and hay, having as objective the establishment of an alimentary planning for its captivity rearing. Capybaras in confinement in the Institute of Biociências, UNESP/Botucatu, during 3 days received a daily and only meal of 1.0kg of dry matter animal of each food-test. The daily consumption was estimated calculating the difference between the initial weight and the final one of the meal. In relation to the mean consumption (g of dry matter), the results were: whole grass: 859.56 ± 19.4; chopped grass: 538.51 ± 43.4; leaves: 631.79 ± 10.6; stems: 245.07 ± 6.8; silage: 308.23 ± 119.9 and hay: 205.98 ± 26.4g. The daily consumption of chopped grass, silage and hay did not present significant statistical differences, however, the consumption of whole grass was 29.9% higher than the chopped grass. It was concluded that the variation in the form of roughage affected the alimentary consumption and the capybaras were capable of discriminating its parts in one plant (leaves from the stems), preferring the leaves. The supply of elephant grass, in the whole form assisted the needs of dry matter of the capybaras, while the chopped grass, silage and hay in reason of the reduced consumption, were not recommended for the exclusive supply for capybaras in captivity.
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