Determination of minerals in forage and bovine tissues
mineral deficiencies, macro minerals, trace elements, forages, animal tissueAbstract
The present work aimed to determine the contents of Ca, P, Mg, S, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn in forages used for grazing by experimental animals and through biopsy in the liver, the concentrations of Fe, Cu, Zn and Mg, in the rib bone the concentrations of Ca, P, Mg and ash, and in the blood the levels of Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn and total protein. At five four month intervals, twelve males calf were submitted to a blood collect, liver and bone biopsia that are related to five experimental periods: P1 october/1982; P2 = february/1983; P3 = june/1983; P4 = october/1983; P5 = february/1984. The animals remained grazing in a twelve hectares area. Mineral deficiences were detected in the forage in different periods: P, P1= 0.15%, P3 and P4 = 0.16%, P5 = 0.12%; Cu, P3 = 4ppm, P4 and P5 = 3ppm; Zn P1 and P3 = 23ppm, P5= l8ppm. An excessive level of Mn and Fe was found in every studied periods. In the liver, it was detected low levels of Mn: P1= 6ppm and P2 = 7ppm. All the other elements studied showed normal concentrations. It was observed, in the bones, contents considered deficients for Ca, P and ash. The levels of Ca ranged from 35.11 to 35.94% in the studied periods. The P contents from 14.65 to 15.47%, and the bone ash from 58.53 to 60.94%. The Mg concentrations are in the normal limits. The mineral seric levels and the total proteins analysed remain in the limits of normality.Downloads
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